Unlock Your Potential and Crush Procrastination

with YouPhoric Health

Conquer Your Doubts, Boost Your Motivation,

and Live Your Best Life!

A workshop-based app like no other.

Whether you're in pajamas or your power suit,

seize the chance to transform your life today!

A workshop-based app like no other.

Whether you're in pajamas or your power suit, seize the chance to transform your life today!

*Limited-time offer: Download YouPhoric Health app for FREE!**

The Roadblocks You Face.

The Roadblocks

You Face.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, keep reading, the solutions are right in front of you to live your best life!

  • Do you have goals gathering dust, buried under procrastination?

  • Are you burnt out and tired of life feeling like a mishap?

  • Struggling with self-doubt, low energy, and distractions?

  • Feel unworthy or not smart enough to succeed?

If you answered yes to any of these questions,

keep reading, the solutions are right in front of you to live your best life!

Your One-Stop shop to overcome procrastination.

Discover YouPhoric Health, a revolutionary workshop-based app.

  • Interactive workshops that provide you with actionable strategies to overcome procrastination and boost your motivation.

  • Personalized coaching and guidance directly from Coach Jerry, ensuring your journey is tailored to your unique needs and goals.

  • Enjoy the flexibility and convenience of accessing the app at any time and from anywhere, at home or on the go!

Meet Coach Jerry,

the creator of YouPhoric Health.

Empowering you to achieve your dreams.

  • Coach Jerry specializes in utilizing holistic health principles to help you overcome challenges such as excess weight, lethargy, and pain.

  • The mind behind the app, Coach Jerry brings his extensive skills as a CHEK practitioner to craft dynamic workshops to inspire and motivate you.

  • With Coach Jerry as your guide, you'll build confidence to conquer procrastination and overcome obstacles, all while believing in your untapped potential.

What they said.

Five stars for CoACH Jerry!

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Five stars for CoACH Jerry!

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Attended a coaching workshop and was really impressed with all the info given. Understanding the concept of the false core tied in with the Enneagram helped me realize why in certain situations I was regressing to childish behavior, and more importantly, how to dismantle and dissolve this false core and handle situations with greater maturity. Jerry did an excellent job answering any questions I had, he is very knowledgeable on this subject. The modality Jerry teaches cuts straight to the root of our struggles, and provides a simple answer to seemingly huge problems.


Iowa, USA

I thought I was doing well. I had just had my first professional fight so I was in great shape. I did however struggle with doubts, self confidence, and recurring injuries. I’d seen people for pain in the past and every time I’d get a little better for a short period of time but it always returned and usually worse. I received an incredible amount of personal attention, programs (both physical and mental) designed specifically for me, and tailored help all around. In the process of letting that go, I managed to let go of most of the physical pain I carried with me as well. I now have strategies for dealing with injuries as they pop up and emotional distress as it comes and goes.


Missoula, MT

Mentally and emotionally I was at a constant brink of disaster, feeling completely hopeless and lost. Ready to snap at any and every turn of events. I was not aware of how much stress I was keeping built up and the ramifications it had on my body and spirit.  But once I started working with Jerry I became aware of what feelings were helpful and which were hurtful to my overall goals. When I felt overwhelmed and ready to explode at the world, I was able to figure out what values were being threatened and how to transmute my feelings into something actually helpful to the situation instead of being angry and emotional about it. 


Missoula, MT

I had been on ½ time schedule at work for almost 5 years due to an accident at work.  I was paralyzed with fear when my worker’s comp ran out, I didn’t know what would happen at my job.  I couldn’t put on strength or even feel my legs.  That’s when I saw Coach Jerry…..I thank God that I did.  I remember one DR telling me “....you need to quit wasting Missoula’s medical services because there’s nothing that can be done for you”...I was then led to Jerry.  Finding my breath and realizing that what I thought were low blood sugar attacks since I was very young, were actually panic attacks.  Using my breath to break out of those was my biggest win. 


Missoula, MT

Coach Jerry is the real deal, what an amazing experience! I cannot recommend Coach Jerry enough for anyone feeling stuck, in pain or challenged in their mind, body or spirit. Jerry is empathic, compassionate, intelligent, intuitive and knowledgeable in so many methods. His teaching/coaching style was so easy to understand and learn from.



CHEK Practitioner Level 4

Honestly I went in thinking I was pretty good mentally and just wanted to patch up my strength training program. Little did I know I was not giving myself the personal time to help my mental state. Jerry really helped “show me the light” in a sense. Jerry does a very good job at adjusting his program based on personality types. I learned more about myself and what makes me tick than any school, program or relationship has taught me. (I was surprised by) How understanding and helpful he truly was..


Missoula, MT

I was angry, injured, and frustrated with both my physical health and the world in general. I didn’t know if I could make enough time to actually accomplish any change.  This program was more than I had planned and better than I thought it’d be.  was so full of anger before starting the program, I didn’t think that I could ever know so much about myself. I can unpack my emotions and retrace the feelings that I have and be able to deal with those in a healthy and more positive way. I didn’t think that was possible for me.


Turah, MT

I recently completed a workshop with Jerry that has been a game changer. Jerry uses unique approaches in all forms of coaching to truly get to know his clients, dig in, and help them to help themselves.  Your personal pace with this was unbelievable jerry. He does a killer job of guiding without getting in the way. This will prove to be one of the most influential experiences I've ever had. I had battled anxiety for everyday that I can remember in my life of 40 years.  I haven’t had a sniff of it in over 3 months!.


Pullman, WA

I’d 100% recommend Coach Jerry to anyone looking for weight loss and pain relief. Not only did I easily got to my weight goal, a loss of 50#.  Jerry has helped me almost eliminate my stenosis pain through proper diet, exercise and a stretching regimen. 4 years of doctors, chiropractic care, shots and PT did nothing for my pain. Coach Jerry is extremely knowledgeable, down to earth and genuine. 


Missoula, MT

I had low energy and poor motivation to make changes.  I also suffer from depression and relied on medication.  I felt my fitness declining.  I’m motivated to work out and can see and feel changes in my body.  Jerry is a motivator.  The stuff he tells you makes sense and you really want to try everything he tells you to do, I have been off of my antidepressants for 6 months..


Missoula, MT

I was blown away by this course. I valued the group interactions and opportunities to ask questions mid week. Your instruction was the perfect balance of involved guidance/feedback & shutting the eff up. Thanks so much for allowing us this opportunity.

K.M. Nicaragua, CHEK Practitioner Level 4

My biggest fear at that time was making no change at all. I knew the physical pain was helping contribute to my mental state and I feared not being able to participate in the activities that I loved. It’s absolutely changed my reality and the way I show up in the world for myself and everyone around me. There is no greater tool.


Missoula, MT

A workshop-based app like no other.

Whether you're in pajamas or your power suit, seize the chance to transform your life today!

*Limited-time offer:

Download YouPhoric Health

app for FREE!**

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